Thursday, July 23, 2015

Hello from the Northern Hemisphere

Kia ora!

Even though I'm about three months behind in posts -- I partially blame the lack of wifi in New Zealand -- I'm taking a quick break from posts about various adventures to say hello from Salem, OR. 
It's only my third day back in the States and (more importantly) back in summer and it's been pretty confusing, to say the least.

Even though I knew it would be summer when I got home, I didn't mentally prepare myself to jump from snow to sun, let alone from days with 9 hours of sunlight to 15 hours. I think that was pretty clear when I got off the plane in San Francisco wearing a scarf, sweater, and boots. Got some pretty funny looks from everyone else wearing sundresses. 
Took this about a month ago -- and it's gotten more wintery since then.

I know this is a real short post -- just wanted to say hello and that I have heaps of posts about New Zealand (and probably a few about reverse culture shock) coming up. 

Also, totally seeking advice from other travelers/students who've studied abroad about coming back home afterwards. Any words of wisdom you can share? 


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